WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) - The cold temperatures didn't stop kids and even some parents from putting on costumes, and going trick-or-treating Tuesday night.

"We love College Hill. They love it. So cold or hot. We're here," said a mother of trick-or-treaters, Leaundria Coleman.

Coleman lives in south Wichita, but brings her family up to College Hill every year to get candy and look at the spooky decorations.

Halloween is a time for all sorts of traditions, including the unique baby doll decorations that Catherine Heidel puts up in front of her College Hill house.

"I started off with like six baby dolls one year, and then people made comments and liked them," Heidel said. "So then we went to estate sales, and then people started dropping the babies off at our house."

But, some were able to rake in the sugar and stay toasty warm inside at the same time.

Towne East Square gave families the chance to step inside for a bit.

The mall continued its tradition of allowing stores to give out candy to trick-or-treaters.

"We have over 55 retailers that are participating," said Towne East Marketing Director Sara Fleming. "And families can really just escape the cold and come and go to the participating retailers. A lot of them have little activities going on. They're passing out candy and a lot of fun festivities around here."

However, several Wichita families decided to go the traditional route and go door to door.

Heidel set up shop a little earlier in the day because of the colder temperatures.

"We came out early, because I kind of thought that's what would probably happen this year," Heidel said. "But we've got plenty of candy to give out to everyone."

Roads in College Hill were blocked off from Douglas Ave. to give the kids plenty of room to go trick or treating.