WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) - Hundreds of Wichita residents were shocked Thursday, saying they saw what appeared to be a UFO. Videos like this recorded by Wichita resident Mike Marler quickly circled social media.

"So I'm driving back to work coming home from lunch, and I noticed something in the sky really bright," said Marler. "It was surprising because we live in Wichita. We see airplanes all the time. We're near the airport. But it was definitely different."

After receiving calls and messages from even more people wondering what it was, we decided to go where we would have the best vantage point to investigate - the sky.

We didn't see anything abnormal during the flight, and air traffic control didn't indicate anything unusual.

Back on the ground, social media continued going crazy. Some people were saying it was a military jet, some saying it was a drone. But others, posting videos saying it was actually an airplane towing a giant Arby's advertisement banner.

NASA's Super Guppy was also in town Thursday, and there was a small airplane carrying an Arby's banner around town for a period of time. But many people aren't convinced either of these are what they saw. 

"The rumors that it was an Arby's advertisement plane, which, you know, logic would point to that. But it was really fast-moving, it was really bright and vivid, and then it just disappeared," said Marler.