HUTCHINSON, Kan. (KAKE) - Last week the Kansas State Fair board decided to move forward with plans for the fair to open as usual in September. But a shocking announcement came Thursday when the general manager said they’re reconsidering.

The state fair board will meet Monday morning,  to reconsider its decision to hold this year's fair.

According to Robin Jennison, the General Manager at the Kansas State Fair, "We are not going to be able to have the type of fair people expect. Our recommendation to the board is going to be to cancel the fair.”

Although the state fair team was prepared to push forward with plans this year, unexpected complications arose when multiple agriculture vendors started canceling.

"A lot of people may not know, but there wouldn't be a fair if it wasn't for agriculture,” said Larry Steckline a Farm Broadcaster for KAKE and a former State Fair board member.

These agriculture vendors are concerned for several reasons. One main fear is coronavirus itself, another is not being able to staff an entire team and even the travel from state to state is a concern.

"When you have Nebraska not have their fair, Oklahoma not have their fair, Texas not have their fair, for those out of state vendors it didn't make a lot of sense to come to hutch for 10 days and go back home,” said Jennison.

Because of this, the state would take an even larger economic loss to have the fair then to cancel it.

Jennison tells us he’s disappointed with this new possible outcome and believes they had a good plan to move forward.

"Decide life's gotta go on and the only way we can do it is by wearing a mask, our economy is just going to keep being in trouble,” said Jennison.

He also said that if the board does decide to cancel the fair, they hope to have livestock shows on the weekends in September when the fair would normally take place.